A downloadable game for Windows

Gregore is a Third-Person Stealth game set in the Year 2027, where you as Gregor have to fight your way through a strange world full of unexpected occurrences. Gregore has 3 different bosses, 3 Endings and 3 unlockable Skins.

In the download File you will find a PDF containing the controls of the game and an explanation of the basic mechanics.

Since I don't own any of the rights to the music used in this game it won't be up for sale. All music used in this project is listed down below, please consider supporting theese artists if you liked the music in the game.

  • Killed a Man - Surfing
  • 空き家 - Haircuts for Men
  • Strategist - Kensuke Ushio
  • Electro Triple Star - DJ Kazuhiro
  • Cherry Blossom Trees - King quartz, Architecture in Tokyo
  • Phoenix #2772 - InfoCom Corp.
  • White Sheepman - DJ Kazuhiro
  • Moonlight - Surfing
  • Falling - m a l i b l u e : (
  • Lonely Nights - Dan Mason ダン·メイソン

Have fun!

Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
(49 total ratings)
Tags3D, Boss battle, Cyberpunk, Difficult, Futuristic, PSX (PlayStation), Singleplayer, Stealth, Third Person, Violent


Gregore_V1.2.zip 106 MB


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es un buen juego  8/10 porque aveces la camara atraviesa las paredes xd


the presentation is awesome but dude i cant get past the first boss, or even take his hp below 70%

yeah I made him a bit too difficult if I'm honest... if you are able to parry the attacks consistently it gets extremely easy tho.

(1 edit) (+1)

well yea but theres no way a player has any idea what the parry is and how to effectively perform it at that point, it is literally not mentioned. I knew about it bc i read through the entire manual when i got stuck.
you dont need to balance the first boss to be hard on subsequent playthroughs. if anything, you should design him to be a pushover when you are more fluent with the mechanics.
since many other aspects of your game where awesome (mainly the presentation, visuals sound and such), i would suggest next time to try getting into playtesting, it really does help a ton.


Yeah, my bad.  For this game I never had anyone playtest just because it was a gift for somebody and therefore a secret. But I should have changed a few things before publishing the game. I will do better next time!


That's awesome. I'll be sure to check out that next game :)


Something hits different playing this game in the late AM. It was difficult but once i figured it out i was just cruising. Love the style, love you, awesome job


Thank you so much! I hope I can create a similar but better experience in the future again!!


Why does this game so difficult???But I think it is really interesting too.Gregore is really cool!!

Thank you so much! if you need any tips for a specific area or something let me know. hope it's still fun even though it's hard!


Thank you too,but I don't need tips anymore~UWU.And I get the good end!I like it!It is really funny!I'm glad to see Gregor made friends with other character! OWO

(HOOOOO I really really really like Gregor!!)

Congrats on getting the good ending!! Thank you so much, Comments like yours really make my day!!


can i use controoller?

sadly no




im going to make a controller layout for steam in a few minutes, ill try to make it public

Oh shit! gotta try it out next time I replay it!!!


Incredible game! Thank you so much for this creation! Was looking for something after recently beating Tenchu, this seems like a perfect accidental find <3

You don't know how much this means to me! Thank you so much! 

Which Tenchu game did you play? I like Tenchu 1 but absolutely LOVE Tenchu 2


I went through the series (aside from Tenchu Z cause I don't own a console for that one), since I do that occasionally, but my favorite is the PS2 game, Wrath of Heaven even though I love the first two PS1 games! I still dream of a new iteration, but it's people such as yourself that keep the scene alive, which is always great to witness!


I only played the 2 ps1 games but I need to play Wrath of heaven now! Thank you for the recommendation and the kind words!!!


I like the art-style and the gameplay. And the secret boss fight was awesome. But I am kinda confused.. and I didn't get the story. Still a fun game. 


Thank you I'm so glad you enjoyed it!! The story wasn't really the main focus when I created the game. I was more looking to create some setpieces with some bosses in them because this was a birthday present more than an actual game!


Overall really great experience. I am generally not super into this genre but once I got a grasp of the controls here, I had an absolute blast. Definitely a bit challenging (and ngl a bit unfair for parries) but I could totally see more for a game like this. Amazing work and can't wait to see more!

Thank you for also checking out Gregore!! If I would make this game today a lot of things would be very different but I'm still super happy with this one so thank you so much for enjoying it!!


Yo just finished the game , can't wait to see what else you're gonna make in the future . Here's the video on it :

Thank you so much for checking out gregore!!


Was it intentional to make the first boss look like the youtuber lazarbeam?


I dont even know who that is


How Do I Unlock the Extras?


The Extras are skins.
The first skin is unlocked by finding the arm of the giant neko statue and bringing it to her in the secound level
The secound one is unlocked if you finish the game without dieing and without killing anyone
The third one is unlocked if you beat the 10th vr mission level wich you can find int the room next to the bedroom in the home of the main character (the 10th level is only unlocked if you have beaten all 3 bosses)


wait 10 vr missions?! there was 8 on mine i also beat the 3 vr bosses nothing happened!


Oh sorry, I meant 8 not 10. Look at Extras in the main menu, if you have defeated all bosses in the 8th vr mission you should have unlocked the vr skin there.

(2 edits)

it didnt unlock it

Something seems to be bugged but i havent found the reason why, if you are curious the vr skin is the same as how the player looks at the beginning of a vr mission. Sorry for the inconvenience, hopefully i find the issue on why this is happening soon.

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my game is crashing help i have intel(R) Core (TM) i3 -5005 (normally i have i7 but i7 is burned) 2.00Ghz my ram is 12 gb but my fullscreen is off

where does it crash?

is your pc 32 or 64 bit

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my pc have 2 gm of ram

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Does it not open?


My game doesnt have the error at the second boss, and I have the gun. Any reason why?

You have to beat the first boss without draining their health, but instead filling up the green bar underneath the healthbar.

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He instantly dies when i fill the bar up and i still get the loop ending

Have you filled up the bar and drained his health to completion at the same time? There needs to be a little bit of health left from the boss if you beat him to get the good ending. If that happens you will also get another cutscene after you have beaten him

So I need to whittle him down to a sliver of health and then fill up his endurance bar? I just filled up the bar and he died instantly.

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The Healthbar of the boss at the end of the fight should look something like this:

There needs to be a bit of health left but the blue bar needs to be filled, you can achive that by beating the boss as fast as you can.

After that another cutscene should play that starts like this:

For video help, here is a lets play where someone achived it (around 4:50 in the video):

hope this helps!

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HELLO, cool game you got here; it gave me "GTA Vice City" & "Jet Set Radio" vibes from it style which is cool. 


I really love jet set radio and the style of vice city! Glad you enjoyed it that much and im pretty impressed that you got the good ending in your first try!!


Yea I saw ending's & was like "well I got the good one so that's enough for me" haha good try on the 1st try let's goooo. But yea it was cool experience to play through.


Pour les Francophones !

Hey glad you also played gregore! Thank you so much!!!


Greetings! Asking the same question just like with the Veinless Property (which was an awesome experience, by the way). Is this particular game fully finished content-wise?

It is finished, i made this game as a birtday present and only added smal things to it before releasing it on itch. I could imagine making a sequel or using the same gameplay "engine" for a compleatly new game, but right now I have another project that im working on!


Hi Tenkaiyo. You game is amazing. It's so good seeing good games that rely on the PS1 aesthetic but with new and actual features. I played and uploaded on my channel, but I have a doubt: this error on second boss was purposeful? Or It's really a bug? Despite that, I give my congrats for your work. I can't wait to see your next games man. Keep it Up!

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Hey Thank you so much!!! and yea the error on the second boss was on purpose. Im really happy you enjoyed it so much and if your playthrough was your first one, then im even more impressed that you got the good ending at your first try, good job!

(2 edits) (+1)

My God what a game!!!! Easily my favorite indie title form itch.io ever. The graphics, the music, I loved them!! I read that you want to make a similar game, so I will make a few suggestions as to what to avoid for your next title. Please, do forgive me if I'm a little harsh. I'm a fan and I'd like to see you improve your art even further.

- First of all, the controls. I really like the core loop here. Block / parry, and then slash. That's cool and all and I think you can use that for your next game as well, but not without a few adjustments. The controls need to be a lot more responsive, and I think you should add a few more extra moves for when we keep pressing the LMB. I understand that this is a stealth game, but the boss battles are not. Though I really liked them too, I sometimes found myself wishing that I could slash them more just for a better sense of satisfaction.

- Level design was OK in my opinion, with a few moments of absolute brilliance. For example, the introduction of the boss was incredible, when he shot one of our enemies. And the path to the second boss is a really nice little puzzle (though I never would have figured it out on my own!!) So maybe work on more complex / interesting levels. The level design is good as it is, but I think you have what it takes to make each one really count.

- You could delve on the story a little bit more. I know that exploring a story in an indie game is such a pain in the ass and adds a f**k ton of working hours, but I think you could keep the story fairly abstract but make it have more of an impact on the player. Environmental storytelling is a really easy and effect version of doing that. For example, we can find out more about who Gregory is, why he's a vigilante and who were the bosses etc. 

Anyway, looks like I already talked too much haha. I loved the game and will be waiting for more!

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Thank you so so much for the kind words and I really appreciate your critisism and will improve in these aspects for my future games! 
I actually cant say much other then thank you for your support and I hope you will like my next projects as much as this one c:


Amazing style from start to end, love this so much


I tried out this game and was amazed by the graphics.

What kind of program did you use to make such clean pixel art on polygon models? It reminds me of Megaman Legends with its design.

I can tell by the cyberpunk aesthetic you are going for. Love the designs and models. Especially the main character himself. The mask is good.

I was a bit sad to hear that this game won't be getting anymore updates since it was just a birthday present (I bet your friend was pleasantly surprised by it).

I highly recommend you work on a full release perhaps? There's a lot of things that are good here but also need improvement like the sneaking and combat mechanics. 

I somehow got the good ending without understanding how exactly does the good/bad choices work? What causes a good or bad ending to happen? Please do tell.

I also would like to know how to unlock the extras? You said the third skin is unlocked by getting a 0 kills 0 deaths run? Does that mean you cannot kill the bosses?

Overall I was really pleased by the game. I hope to see more future works like this.

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For the pixel art I used Photoshop and for the models i used Blender. Megaman Legends actually was one of the biggest artstyle inspirations for the game.

I will probably work on a similar game in the future with better and more fine tuned mechanics, and music made especially for the game, but right now I will just let the game be as it is.

The endings are effected just by the bossfights, the bosses have a bar for health and a bar for endurance, if you beat the first boss by filling up their endurance bar you pretty much get the good ending. If you defeat the first boss by draining their health you can get the middle or bad ending depending on how you deal with the second boss in the same manner.

For the 0 kills 0 death run you cant kill the bosses except the secret boss (the one without the endurance bar) becouse he doesnt count as a human.

Thank you a lot this was such a sweet comment!!


Yeah of course, I really enjoyed the game. I have two questions? Where is the big Maneki statue and how can I complete the 8th VR mission? I wasn't able to access it after finishing the 7th VR mission.


the big Maneki statue is behind a fake door in the basement in level 2. To unlock the 8th VR mission you have to beat every boss at least ones.


Amazing!! This is a must-play for indie game enthusiasts and it has great vibes. But how do you unlock the Extras? I've already beaten the game in Hard Mode and gotten two different endings

Thanks a lot!!

One Skin is unlocked by finding the big maneki nekos arm in the second level and giving it back.
The second skin is unlocked after beating all 3 bosses at least ones and then compleating the 8th VR mission.
The third skin is unlocked by getting a 0 kills 0 deaths run.

I may be stupid, but I don't see those VR missions

Sorry,  I probably should have made that a bit clearer.  Its in the Room on the right in the Apartment.

Deleted 25 days ago
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I really appriciate youre constructive critisism and I absoluetly agree. If I make a sequel or a similar game in the future I will work on all the points you made, but I wont change this game in any big way because I never intended to release this game on itch because it was originally just a late birthday present for 2 friends of mine.

Thanks for the detailed critisism and thank you for playing my game, hope you enjoyed it!


Whats new in V1.2?

Nothing new just some small changes and compatibility with 32 bit operating systems

Ah ok then. Thank you for letting me know

no problem!!


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So, I don't suppose the game is made like this, but, on the 2nd Level of the game, the boss didn't appear. I've double checked, killed all the enemies, got all the cards to be able to go to the roof, but nothing happens from that point on. Did I miss something, or is this just a bug? An explanation would be much appreciated

you have to jump down from the roof to the balcony

Yeah, tried that, nothing. Gonna go and try it again

you have to jump to the balcony and then jump down the elevatorshaft


Alright, I did it, found a way to beat the boss, and got the bad ending

Hi Tenkaiyo, I have a problem with the game. Whenever I start it, it gets stuck at the Unity intro. Ultimately, I have to force restart my PC again. Please inform me about this.

thats weird I dont really now what couses that problem, did this happen with any other unity  game before? Did you extract the folder before starting the exe?

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Yes I have run many Unity games before, and I do unzip the the files before running the .exe. I don't know what's happening this time though.

I didn't find a solution sadly but maybe try deleting and downloading the game, and check if the UnityPlayer.dll file is in the folder.

Hey, even though I haven't played it,  thanks for such an amazing game. I'm not much of a Unity user, but I suggest if you could add a Unity Crash Handler. 

Thank You!! Do you have a Windows System that is running on 32 and not 64 bits, if so download the new 1.2 Version. Apparently the Unity Crash Handler exists only in the newer versions of unity, and the game is made in a pretty old version so sadly I cant put the crash handler in the Foulder.

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good retro

Very Very Cools!!! This is so good game!